Frequently asked questions.

Do we have to have our cameras on?

No you do not have your camera on. Most students do not practice with their camera on. Before and after class, some students turn theirs on to say hello to fellow students and me.

Do you interact with the students during class?

I do not give individual feedback. However, I give cues that can help everyone get into each pose and correct alignment.

Can we ask questions during class?

All students are muted during class. Students can ask questions in the chat box but I cannot read the messages while teaching.

If I am new to yoga, which class do you recommend?

I recommend taking a gentle class. Each class I give options on how to go further.

Should I wear shoes or socks?

If you feel more supported wearing shoes, great. If you prefer to wear socks or shoes, wear them. I prefer to be barefoot.

How many times can I take one class?

Each time you view or attend class, please pay.

What happens if I sign up for class but cannot attend while it is live?

Once class has ended, I upload the video to Seminal. The class videos are towards the bottom of the page. Since you have already paid, select $0 to view/attend class.

If I do not have weights, can I take the Yoga + Weights Express class?

Yes, you can. If you have two of the same objects, those can be a good substitute for dumbbells. Students have used cans, filled water bottles, laundry detergent, and a backpack filled with books. Get creative.

What size dumbbells should I use for Yoga + Weights Express?

You can use any size weights. Typically I use a set of 5lb and 8lb. During the class, I suggest grabbing a light or heavy set of weights for that movement. If you only have one size weights and they are lighter than you would typically use for that movement, slowdown to trick your mind that the weight is significate heavier. Weights are optional and you can set them down at anytime.

What should I wear for class?

For Yoga Nidra, I recommend wearing comfortable clothes and have blankets near by, as your body temperature may lower. For Gentle Yoga, Yoga Flow, Yoga + Weights Express, and Yoga Flow and Restore; I recommend wearing fitness clothes. Clothes that you can move in.