
I offer live-streaming group classes on Zoom, pre-recorded classes for individual purchase, class packages, and one-on-one individual Zoom sessions.
Classes length range from 30 to 60 minutes. Spotify playlists accompany all formats, except Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful meditation technique and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain. Yoga Nidra promotes deep rest and relaxation that isn’t found in your average meditation practice. Practicing the stages of body scan and breath awareness can calm the nervous system, leading to less stress and better health.

Yoga Nidra range from 30 to 45 minutes.


Gentle Yoga

This class will introduce fundamental yoga poses and breathwork while strengthening and stretching the entire body.

Gentle Yoga lasts about 30 minutes.


Yoga Flow

We will use foundational based poses and incorporate movement through breath.

Yoga Flow lasts about 50 minutes.


Yoga Flow and Restore

This unique class offers both Vinyasa (connecting breath to movement) and Restorative (using props to help support our bodies in various poses) elements. The first part of the class is an all-level flow connecting breath with movement, allowing the body and muscles to warm up. For the remaining part of the class, we will move to the ground and shift to a Yin-style class. Typically, we use a thick blanket and several throw pillows as props.

Yoga Flow and Restore lasts about 60 minutes.


Yoga + Weights EXPRESS

When muscle meets yoga, yoga + weights is born. Boost metabolism and build lean muscle mass as we move to upbeat tracks. We will combine free weights with traditional yoga poses and cardio to intensify each yoga pose while mixing in strength-training moves like squats, lunges, and bicep curls. Dumbbells are hard to find but we can get creative. Simply use dumbbells, milk jugs, laundry detergent containers, or cans of vegetables/soup. You can set down the weights at any time.

Yoga + Weights Express lasts about 40 minutes.


Private Sessions

Any of the classes listed above can be taken in a one-on-one format either virtually or in person. If you are interested, please click the “Request More Information” button below to send me an email and I will reach out to you personally with more information.


All classes require a liability waiver.